Some significant Finnish UFO cases part 2

Kemijarvi Finland

Date: December 10 1972
Time: 1730 & 1930

Summary: Aarno Heinonen (involved in other encounters) was on his way through the woods to visit a neighbor, Mr. Vaananen, a walk of about 1 ½ km. He soon spotted an object with a vividly red cupola on its lower part. The machine was 5 to 7 meters in diameter. In fact, the sighting occurred at the same spot as the January 1970 encounter. Aarno became frightened and ran the remaining part of the distance to his neighbor. Arriving, he told him that he had seen the UFO land in the woods 127 amongst young 1 to 2 meter birch trees. His neighbor did not believe him, however and Aarno made no further attempts to convince him. Two hours later Heinonen starts for home on the same path as before. Arriving at the spot where he last saw the UFO he notices a heavy wind coming towards him, which increases to the force of a gale. Aarno couldn’t move and when he spotted the humanoid woman coming from behind some pines, asking, “My friend, why did you run away? I wished you no harm and you haven’t done me any harm either.” It was so dark Aarno couldn’t see the girl’s face, but her clothing shone in a yellow, phosphorous tone. Her yellow shoes were connected to the rest of her dress. From the bottom of the shoes came a “beam” in such a way that the foot never touched the ground. As she lifted her foot this “beam” became thicker. Aarno asked why she had this “transparent thing” under her feet. She answered that she could walk on the snow without leaving traces. The nature of the beam was unknown to Heinonen as well as to all other earthmen, she stated. Aarno had brought his camera on this occasion, but the girl took it, asking if he had taken pictures. Aarno answered that he had. Then the girl dropped something from her hand and when Aarno bent down to pick it up, the girl and the camera just disappeared into thin air. This is the last time Aarno saw the girl and his camera, as far as is known. He now thinks he had done something wrong when he tried to photograph the girl. The object he picked up was an egg-shaped stone, white on the ends and deeply engraved with a “T” like symbol. Aarno got the feeling that this stone had a strange power and he became incapable of working and got pains in his joints. (According to a Finnish Ufologist the stone became hot in such a way that it couldn’t be kept indoors). One night Aarno awoke, he took the stone in his hand wished for the humanoids to come to him. Immediately a light, as large as man’s fist, came floating through the room, but then disappeared up the chimney. Aarno wrote that he thought he could contact the humanoids at will in this way.

Source: Anders Liljegren, FSR Vol. 26 # 5
För mer Aarno Heinonen se nedan


Varpasalo, Raakkyla, Finland

Date: July 19 or 20 1995
Time: 1500

An old farmer’s wife went out to see if there were any strawberries at a familiar spot in the forest. Walking towards it she heard three faint shot-like noises, but ignored them. When she came closer to the spot she noticed something blue in the forest. When she came closer she saw something resembling a giant blue “umbrella”, which rose and then descended about half a meter. She heard two “sigh” like noises when the “umbrella” descended to some 20cm above the ground. Under the blue surface of the object some kind of ribbing could be seen, hence the image of an umbrella. To her astonishment she now saw that a man was standing stooped over about a meter from the blue object. He seemed to be picking something up and throwing it into his vessel, which made a “ping” like noise every time he threw something inside. She assumed the man was collecting pieces of ore, as there were many mines in the area. The man was clad in a dark green overall with possibly a broad belt. Once he stood up and then stooped back down again. After observing the man for some 5-15 minutes she felt a compulsive urge to leave, so that she would not disturb the man’s work. She went home, (the men and the object were still there when she left) and on her way looked around for any cars in the forest but did not see any. When she got home her daughter in law noticed that something had happened to her, and after they discussed the event they decide to go to the site two hours later. When they came to the spot a faint impression could be seen on the ground. During the next several months the elderly witness often felt a compulsion to visit the site and could see the ground vegetation withering away, turning almost black at the end. UFO investigators visited the site the following spring and found five black spots still visible on the ground. The area on the ground was still lifeless as of 1996.

Source: Mervi Virtanen, Finland


Liipantonkka, Ylistaro, Finland

Date: October 2 1980
Time: 2325

Summary: A 23-year old man was driving from Vaasa towards Lapua on route 64 in order to have a late meal at a local grill bar. At the outskirts of Lapua on a small hill a bright light coming from the sky suddenly lighted the surroundings and a shining gray disc-shaped solid object appeared 5-10 meters in front of the car. The witness could not remember if he himself stopped the car. The contours of the object were clear, and it somehow glowed appearing to be very hot. The object was as broad as the road, about 6 meters and it had two lights one on each end, but no other details could be seen. It hovered about half a meter over the road surface, when suddenly two lights became visible on the middle of the object and three humanoids came out. The driver described them as quite human-like, but smaller. He did not see any ears or hair, but the eyes were very small. The humanoids came to the left side door of the car—and that’s all the witness could recall. The next thing he remembers was pulling up into the parking lot of the grill bar, but it was already closed as four hours had unaccountably passed.

Source: Mervi Virtanen, Finland

Suomenniemi, Finland

Date: June 25 1992
Time: 2100

A 54-year old woman was driving her car on the way to her summer cottage in Ristiina. After a long straightaway the road curved climbing a hill and the woman noticed some movement on the road ahead. She thought it was some kind of animal and rove closer, speeding up. However when she came closer she could see that they were 2 humanoids, who seemed to be measuring something on the ground, the first was in the middle of the road, the second on the roadside. They were so concentrated on their work that they did not see her car before she drove up to them. When they noticed her car they turned and the one on the roadside jumped to the ditch and disappeared, while the humanoid in the middle of the road froze in place as the woman drove right over him, at the same time attempting to steer away from the entity. When driving over the humanoid she heard a metallic sound resembling “niuuhh” sound under the car. She stopped her car and went out to investigate, but could not find anything. Later she discovered that a cover of hard plastic under her car had been torn out. She described the humanoids as being well-built miniature humans some 50cm tall, clad in tight-fitting dark gray overalls with a darker broad belt around the waist. Their head was round, and they seemed to have been baldheaded and had large dark round eyes or eye openings.

Source: Mervi Virtanen, Finland


Kyrola, Jarvenpaa, Finland

Date: November 1991
Time: 2100

A 29-year old female was watching television sitting on an armchair in her living room. Suddenly a strong wind-like force began to circle her, beginning at her feet. She attempted to stand up but was not able to do so. She was paralyzed. With her mouth opened, her head rose up. She could not close her mouth or turn her head. She could see in front of her on the left side a holographic picture of a small creature half a meter in height, lying on a bed, it had one hand under its jaw and was kicking its feet nervously. She could do nothing but watch the creature and feel angry. After about 10 minutes she was shown a large star map, and when that image faded she send a message in her mind that she did not want to go to the humanoid’s place of origin and that she was terrified. The humanoid now moved to a sitting position and a long tube of white light reaching some 50 meters outside the window appeared in front of him. The image of the humanoid then faded three times, after which only fuzzy lines remained. She was not able to see the face, hands or feet of the humanoid.

Source: Mervi Virtanen, Finland


Lauhala village, Honkajoki, Finland

Date: December 14 1972
Time: 0230A

Summary: Farmer Veikko Kivioja was returning home after a visit to his neighbor, Seppo Oja and after driving some one and a half kilometers on a winding forest road he suddenly after taking a turn saw three bright lights on the left side of the road. He thought it was another car and stopped. Then he saw that three human like creatures who walked over the road towards the logging opening on the other side of the road emitted the bright lights. Kivioja could see that they had a round head, their facial features were not visible but he could also see wing-like arms resting on their hips. The legs could be seen clearly and they seem to walk softly and with ease. Kivioja now decided to return to his neighbor’s home in order to obtain additional witnesses. He first drove ahead a bit so he could maneuver his car and turn around and when doing so the headlights shone on the creatures. He noticed that these totally ignored him. Upon reaching his neighbor’s house he honked to horn in order to arouse him. The neighbor, Seppo Oja agreed to follow Kivioja although he did not quite believe his story. But when they reached the logging opening the three creatures were still there, now on their way to a small hill about 100 meters away. Both men could see a spherical glow totally surrounding the three creatures, which moved at the same time the humanoids did. The light was so bright that the trees around them could be clearly seen. After 10mins the light faded out and the men went outside to see if they could find any traces on the soft surface of the road, but nothing was found. Some 5 hours after this encounter a dairy worker was driving his tractor on another road some 10 km from the logging opening when he suddenly observed a very bright light coming from the right side of the road some 100 meters away. It turned out to be an object two meters in diameter, emitting a bright green light, which flew one meter above the ground at walking speed, evading easily the obstacles on its way. The dairy farmer, Heimo Mattila drove his tractor as fast as he could and passed the object just before it flew over the road. As he drove away he could see it in his rearview mirror.

Source: Heikki Virtanen, Finland


Kannus, Parsiala, Finland

Date: July 1987
Time: 2200-0100A

A 19-year old student was watching television together with a friend when they heard a whistling noise and saw through a window a gray object with a bright white light. The object resembled a tea saucer and was visible in the northern sky for only a few seconds. Both boys rushed to the terrace door. Then from behind the wall of the house two men emerged, one of them older than the other. Both were tall, bald, and clad in white clothing. They appeared friendly and smiled at the boys and then asked telepathically if they could come in. The next thing the 19-year old witness remembered was of sitting on the sofa involved in a profound conversation. The older one of the humanoids spoke, the younger one remained silent. The 19-year old student’s friend remained standing nearby and staring right ahead without any reaction, but he was not worried about his friend. Sometime later the older humanoid said that they had to leave. The witness did not want them to leave, but they smiled and emitted a warm and pleasant feeling. They say that there was no cause for fear and promised to return one day and take him with them. The next morning the boy woke up on his bed, with a headache and with a strange taste in his mouth. The television was still on. He assumed he had been involved in a very realistic dream. He talked to his friend who did not recall anything of the night before.

Source: Mervi Virtanen, Finland


Espoo, Finland

Date: Summer 1987
Time: after midnight

A female student living in her parent’s house woke up after midnight to a strange influence that seemed to attract her. After she sat down to think for a while she went downstairs to make a sandwich. Then she stepped into the living room eating her sandwich and saw three humanoids staring at her from outside the glass door that lead to the garden. The humanoids were about 1 meter tall and were clad in a suit the color of which was perhaps between dark green and blue gray. Their heads were disproportionately large compared to their bodies. Their eyes were large, perhaps the size of an egg, and no whites were visible. She could see no hair or ears and the nose was just two holes, the mouth a short thin line. Their fingers were extremely long and it seemed they had only tree or four of them. Behind them, about 20 to 30 meters away was a metallic oval-shaped object sitting on the ground. It was about 3 meters in width and one and a half meters in height, and it had red and yellow flashing lights. She stared at this sight, paralyzed for a minute, then frightened, she forced herself to move and ran upstairs to her bed and covered her head with a blanket, in an attempt to calm herself. The next day she went to the garden to see if there were any traces, but could not find any. During the coming years she noted she noticed that nothing grew on the site where the object had landed.

Source: Mervi Virtanen, Finland


Jarvenpaa, Finland

Date: Summer 1956
Time: night

The witness, a 15-year old girl at the time, was sleeping in the main farmhouse and her brother in a nearby storehouse. During the night she suddenly awoke and noticed two small humanoids with large eyes and wearing gray suits in her room. Afraid, she pretended to be asleep as she watched the humanoids. They seemed to be interested in the two alarm clocks in the room. After a while they moved to the living room, and she could her how they seemed to tamper with the large wall clock. Soon after, the humanoids went out of the main building. Now the girl watched through the window and saw one of the humanoids standing at the open door of the storehouse in which her brother slept. The humanoid carried an alarm clock on his hand. Then both humanoids came out of the storehouse and in a strange way began to “bounce” one after the other towards the corner of the field where a strange vehicle with many lights and a cupola rested. The humanoids bounced into the vehicle, which then ascended straight up. Next morning all the clocks in the farmhouse displayed different times, between 2400 and 0430A. During the upcoming years nothing grew in the corner of the field where the strange vehicle had landed.

Source: Mervi Virtanen, Finland


Kursu, Salla, Finland

Date: April 15 1970
Time: 1700

Summary: Locally well known and former respected athlete Kalle Tiihonen had just come from the sauna and was drinking coffee in the kitchen when he heard a sound resembling that of a swarm of bees, which was also heard by other members of the family. Then he had a feeling that someone was staring at him from the door, which was behind him. He turned and saw on the doorstep a small creature about 120cm in height, clad in a tight fitting shining green suit and helmet. The creature had large, very dark eyes, with a human look. Tiihonen thought that the creature did not come in through the door since he would have heard any noise. For some moments they stared at each other speechless and then Tiihonen asked the creature where he was from. “From the space” was the answer. Tiihonen was unsure if he heard it or if it was a mental message. In an effort to make conversation Tiihonen asked the alien if the Apollo 13 astronauts (then stranded in space) would get back home safely. “Yes they will”, was the answer. Tiihonen spoke of other subjects for some time with the humanoid but could not recall later what he spoke about, other than the humanoid promised to return. The humanoid then stepped back and disappeared in an instant, at this point the witness also heard the noise resembling a swarm of bees. Tiihonen’s 8-year old son was sitting in another room during the encounter and heard his father talking to someone, but the dividing wall kept him from seeing the humanoid. However, he had seen a bright object land on the grass outside through the window and also saw it lift up. Tiihonen ran to the sauna where his wife was and told her about his observation. After the incident, Tiihonen was unable to sleep for three nights in a row, and experienced a sort of malaise for over a week.

Source: Mervi Virtanen, Finland


Lappeenranta, Finland

Date:  March 1970
Time: 0200A

Summary: After a performance with his band, musician, Pauli Niiranen was returning home to Lappeenranta in his car. The weather was awful with snow flurries and a strong wind that caused snowdrifts on the street. While driving on a street next to the eastern side of the Lappeenranta airfield he noticed a small creature standing on a crossing about 200 meters away. The humanoid was standing on the middle of the crossing and appeared to be looking around, turning his head from left to right. When he drove nearer, Niiranen noticed four other similar creatures, three on the northern side of the crossing and one behind them on a road leading to the barracks area. The humanoids were a little over one meter in height with a large head and a slim body and were clad in dark green overall suits. Their eyes frightened Niiranen the most; they were long and oval, slanting upward and seemed to emanate a blue glow. After watching them for about half a minute he experienced an uncontrollable feeling of panic and he turned his car around and went home using a different route. The next day there was a newspaper report about a round depression melted on the ground found at the location of his observation. He only told the other band members about his experience.

Source: Mervi Virtanen, Finland

Alastaro, Finland

Date: end of August 1914
Time: about noon

Summary: A 10-year old boy, Arvo Kuoppala was sitting in the living room of a farmhouse with his grandmother, Maria Falt, when suddenly it became dark outside like an eclipse of the sun, and a loud blowing noise could be heard. Then a bright wall of light came from the east and soon after a large shining globe became visible. The globe approached the house and stopped outside the window, after which, an oval window opened on its side through which the top part of two male beings could be seen. The larger one of the beings was in the middle of the oval-shaped window, the second was more to the side but also well visible. Their heads were large in comparison to their bodies, the faces were broad and angular, but the eyes appeared friendly. The being that was standing on the side was more midget-like and looked “ugly”. Arvo became terrified by the thought that the men could come in through the window, but his grandmother assured him that they would not, that they only had “something” to say. The larger humanoid now began to smile and started to speak. His lips and face moved as if he was speaking but no voice was heard. Arvo exclaimed with excitement, “He is talking, he is saying something” and immediately after the creature ceased talking and the face abruptly disappeared inside the globe, although no movement could be seen when the oval opening closed. After a moment a loud “thump” was heard, and then a bright flash and the object rose to into the sky and vanished towards the west with great speed. The observation had lasted only some minutes, but Arvo felt tired and went immediately to sleep, waking up later in the evening. His grandmother seems to have anticipated the event and she later told Arvo that the strangers were not from heaven, but from a distant place, and the globe was intended to travel short distances and that it had come from a “sky” ship to which it had also returned. Of the beings she said that they had large heads and were much more intelligent than humans, but somehow were related to us, and visited now and then. It seems clear that she had a lot of information about the humanoids and she claimed to have made an observation by herself years earlier (no details on that).

Source: Mervi Virtanen, Finland


Kuusamo, Finland

Date: August 1 1998
Time: 2330

Summary: Two couples were in their summer cottage chatting and waiting for the bath in the sauna. The owner of the cottage, Pekka, went to the terrace to smoke a cigarette. Suddenly he noticed a man who he at first thought was his guest, Teemu, come to his left side. He was a little surprised since the door had made no sound whatsoever, but ignored it. Pekka began to talk to Teemu about events in the cottage last winter and wonder why did Teemu did not say anything and just smiled. He then noticed that the other man was not Teemu, but only someone that resembled him. Pekka said, “But you are not Teemu” The man just smiled and walked to his right side. Pekka now noticed that there were three other persons in the cottage sitting in the living room talking. He was going to ask the man a question, but this one answered before he did, apparently reading his mind. The stranger said, “You know very well who I am, Pekka.” The man now seemed to be having difficulty in keeping his disguised appearance. His jaw fell down wax-like, but he manages to reconstitute himself after some facial “gymnastic”. When his jaw fell down his mouth was very thin and the jaw pointed. Pekka now began to think that the man was not from this planet and began to feel uneasy. He kept asking the man who he was, to which the stranger answered, “You are one of us Pekka. You are chosen”. Pekka began to walk indoor and asked, “Why me”? To which the stranger answered, “You are a good man”. Once at the door Pekka asked, “How long did the journey last?” The stranger said 11 months. Pekka resisted the urge to get closer to stranger and walked inside. The others noticed right away that something had occurred but Pekka did not tell them about the incident until the next morning. In spite of what the stranger had said Pekka did not recognize him and he had never been interested in UFOs. He was badly shaken after the experience.

Source: Mervi Virtanen, Finland


Lake Kaakonlampi, Hakkila, Finland

Date: June 21 1991
Time: 1700

Summary: A 46-year old man and his brother were fishing on a boat on a small lake. After awhile his brother noticed a shiny gray “vessel” to the north of them about 500-700 meters away. It was 7 meters high, and its contours were a bit unclear as it was shining some a bright beam of light. No other lights were visible. Two beings wearing shiny gray suits stood on the object. The witness then pointed the object out to his brother. They thought that somebody had somehow managed to bring a “big boat” into this small lake. After observing it for 2-5 minutes they continue to fish for some 5 minutes and when they again looked at the object it had completely disappeared without a trace. Astonished they looked around for it and could not find anything.

Source: Mervi Virtanen, Finland

Ikuri, Tampere, Finland

Date:  January 15 1971
Time: 0630A

Summary: Suddenly awoken, a 69-year old woman watched through a window how a 120-140cm tall creature appeared in the yard and walked in the deep snow using stiff and mechanical steps. It wore a blue-green tunic and baglike trousers, and it had some kind of helmet with four antennas. It wore some kind of mittens on its hands. The face could not be seen. The creature walked past the swing in the yard and disappeared into thin air. It left round footprints on the snow.

Source: Mervi Virtanen, Finland


Lake Nasijarvi, Otavalta, Finland

Date:  July 1966
Time:  0100A-0130A

Summary: A man was lying alongside the water of Lake Nasijarvi between the north side of the island of Pikku-Hormu and the island of Hormu. Having finished a job he was taking a one-hour pause in the northern shore of the lake. He was eating a sandwich and drinking coffee when he heard over the weak rushing of the water an increasing rushing noise from the south of the island. He thought that it was another boat coming to the island and soon after a sound resembling someone dropping an anchor was heard. Then began a very loud hammering noise and the man assumed the other boat had needed repairs. After this the noise faded, he then heard steps from behind him, first one person, then two persons. As he expected that they would come forward and address him, he did not turn around. When nothing happened, he rose and packed his things and walked over to his boat and began lifting the line into boat, slowly rowing away in his boat. He then thought he wanted to see what the other boat looked like and soon he saw it from a distance of about 30 meters. He was astonished to see that it had a row of oval windows, through which a faint light was shining. After a while he looked again and was even more astonished when he noticed that the ship was actually standing on the shore and over the surface of the island. In the area between the ship and the island he could see someone walking about. The “ship” was standing on four telescopic legs, two of which were shorter as the slope of the shore is quite steep. On the island side of the ship a ladder with three steps was clearly visible. The fisherman now felt that this ship was not from this world, but he continued to observe it, approaching it even further. Apparently someone onboard the ship did not appreciate this and they shone a bright beam of light towards him as he tried to approach. This ceased after a while however. He could altogether see five humanoids, three tall and two smaller. As they were all the time behind the ship, he could not see many details. They seemed to be clad in blue overalls. Finally they all got into the ship, which then began to ascend. The telescopic legs, which had rounded plates on the bottom, detracted into black holes on the bottom of the ship, which was oval shaped, some 2.5 meters high and 6 meters in width. After it had ascended to a height of several “tree heights” it accelerated at great speed towards the northwest. It then disappeared into the distance.

Source: Mervi Virtanen, Finland


Sotkamo, Finland

Date: September 13 1992
Time: 0300A

A school headmaster, 56, and his wife a nurse aged 55 were on a vacation in a travel van and had been eating a late supper with their 85-year old German friend and had gone to sleep around 2200. At the above time the wife woke up and saw her husband sitting up in bed asking her, “Do you see the same thing I do”? She looked and saw on the table just three feet form them was sitting a 100cm tall humanoid, shiny gold colored smiling humanoid. It said, “Pasi, Pieska, I know you” The couple whispered the situation among themselves for about 5 minutes then the husband attempted to touch the humanoid, but when he began to move towards it the humanoid disappeared like a fading fog, slowly dissipating away. Their German friend also woke up but was not told about the humanoid. The electricity had gone off in the van and it was very cold inside, the husband distributed some blankets and then they all went to sleep again. In the morning they noticed that a curtain holder had been removed from inside the van and left on an outside table. None of the occupants of the van remembered doing that.

Source: Mervi Virtanen, Finland


Between Pelkosenniemi and Kemijarvi, Finland

Date: early January 1976
Time: 1500

Summary: A traveling salesman was driving his car on the Saukkoaava Road towards Vuostimo when he was near the outskirts of Kemijarvi close to the Niskala farm he spotted a large disc-shaped bright object descend gently towards the ground, flying over his car. As this happened his vehicle engine ceased to run and he had no choice but to stop the car. The bright object landed on the road some 100 meters away. The witness estimated the object to be about four 4 meters in diameter and one and a half in height. It was shining brightly. A few minutes’ later two small humanoids appeared besides the object. In the darkness the witness could see that they wore strange looking dark green suits and were about 80 cm in height. The two humanoids began to walk towards the witness car, but when they were about 40 meters away they suddenly turned around and hurried back to the object. The witness did not see how they entered the object but the object ascended almost at once straight up and vanished behind some thin clouds without a sound. When the object disappeared he was able to re-start his car again. He drove to scene where the object had landed and he found three landing marks, five cm wide and two & a half meters apart.

Source:Mervi Virtanen, Finland


Near Turku, Finland

Date: November 8 1971
Time: 2045

Summary: A 37-year old female teacher was on her way home after work. It was cold and rainy and she arrived at the bus stop at 2045. She had waited for the bus for some minutes when a dark “car” stopped in front of her and the man in the car asked her where she was going. When she answered that she would be going some 20km in the direction of Turku, the driver offered her a lift to the bus stop in her hometown. She accepted and stepped in. At once she noticed that there was some kind of transparent magnetic or electrical field between her and the driver. The driver, whom she could see only in profile, was in a strange way elegant and of slender built. She was astonished to see that he wore an outfit silvery-gray in color. However, it was pretty dark inside, so she was not able to see additional details. The driver asked her questions about her work, about the pupils and so on, displaying an unfamiliarity with school life. She also noticed that the “car” was driving soundlessly and some 1-2 meters above the surface of the road. Strangely, no other traffic met them, nor passed by, although the road was usually very transited. She could see the familiar landmarks. When they came to the bus stop, she asked to be led off, but the driver said he wanted to continue the conversation. She refused since she had little children waiting for her @ home. The driver then asked if he could continue the conversation some other time, but she refused saying that her husband would not understand, the driver then asked where her husband was, to which she replied that he was in Sweden on business, so she had to hurry and tend to the children. She bade goodbye and then the driver also bade goodbye, after which the car door opened by itself and she stepped out. As she watched the car disappeared, although there were more than one km of straight road visible. She suffered from hot flashes immediately after the encounter and later from a severe headache, a reddened face and static electricity.

Source: Mervi Virtanen, Finland


Kauhajoki, Finland

Date: December 22 1972
Time: 0200A

Summary: An observer in a vehicle saw a tall thin glowing figure standing on the roadway as he rounded a curve. The beam of the car headlights appeared to curve upon striking the figure. It suddenly disappeared into the field.

Source: Apro Bulletin 1/73


Liipantonkka, Ylistaro, Finland

Date: October 2 1980
Time: 2325

Summary: A 23-year old man was driving from Vaasa towards Lapua on route 64 in order to have a late meal at a local grill bar. At the outskirts of Lapua on a small hill a bright light coming from the sky suddenly lighted the surroundings and a shining gray disc-shaped solid object appeared 5-10 meters in front of the car. The witness could not remember if he himself stopped the car. The contours of the object were clear, and it somehow glowed appearing to be very hot. The object was as broad as the road, about 6 meters and it had two lights one on each end, but no other details could be seen. It hovered about half a meter over the road surface, when suddenly two lights became visible on the middle of the object and three humanoids came out. The driver described them as quite human-like, but smaller. He did not see any ears or hair, but the eyes were very small. The humanoids came to the left side door of the car—and that’s all the witness could recall. The next thing he remembers was pulling up into the parking lot of the grill bar, but it was already closed as four hours had unaccountably passed.

Source: Mervi Virtanen, Finland


Imjarvi Finland

Date: June 18 1972
Time: night

Summary: Aarno Heinonen again was instructed by the same woman’s voice. This time he was to go to the crossroads at Antinhaara. From there a path leads some 100 meters up a hill. It was there that he met the woman, this time alone. They discussed the same things as on the first occasion. When he asked her how she had got there she said, “Go home and you will see the beautiful vehicle we came in.” He did so, and some 150 meters from his home, he caught sight of this craft. It was low, maybe at an altitude of 100 meters. It wobbled and stopped moving, and hovered above him. He drew up on his scooter, and watched it from below. There were no lights from the silvery disc-shaped object, and neither windows nor portholes. Its diameter was some five to seven meters. After a while it rose swiftly into the sky. On both occasions he had discussions for about five minutes with the woman. She spoke very quickly, and her voice sounded ‘tensed’, her words, however, came from her mouth. He could see her teeth which were twice as wide as those of ordinary human beings. Her face and hands were very fair skinned and she was beautiful. Her nose somewhat pointed. She was some 140cm tall, and wore a two piece dress with a high polo-neck type of collar. Her shoes were not connected to her trousers. She had large eyes which were perfectly blue. During both meetings she held the same silvery ball-like object in her hand. No sound came from it. Her method of departure was very odd, she seemed to float away and disappear. Her gait was stiff, and her knees did not bend.

Source: UFO Research Center of Finland

Imjarvi Finland

Date: June 25 1972
Time: 1940

Summary: Aarno Heinonen and Esko Viljo saw a humanoid figure in the kitchen of Viljo’s house on this date. Suddenly a 140cm figure appeared from behind the oven. The creature (if that’s what it was) took two steps from the brick wall and remained standing in the middle of the floor. It wore a gray suit with white stripes. It was impossible to see its face. For about half a minute the figure remained standing where it was, then took two steps back into the darkness behind the oven. A short while later two thuds were heard and the whole house was lit up by a bright light which seemed to move in a wave-like pattern through the room. Heinonen and Viljo searched the house but found nothing.

Source:Anders Liljegren, FSR Vol. 26 # 3

The adventures of Aarno Heinonen:


Near Karhula Finland

Date: Summer 1955
Time: 2130-2200

Summary: On a road between Karhula and Huruksela near Kotka a young man was driving his first car, a Russian Moskvits, when in a straightaway in the middle of the forest he noticed how three creatures resembling bears of penguins ran from the woods to the road some 100 meters away. When he drove closer, the creatures began to gesture for him to stop, which he almost did. The creatures at once ran to his car and tried to open the doors, which luckily were locked. The young man was terrified when he saw that their faces resembled that of Chinese or Eskimos. Their hands were covered by dark coveralls they wore. Scared, he gesture to the creatures that he would drive to the side of the road a little bit farther on and stop. When the creatures let go of his car so that he could drive to the side of the road, he accelerated his vehicle at high speed. The creatures seemed angry, and gesturing with their hands ran some tens of meters after his car in a clumsy fashion. Soon, accompanied by friends the driver returned to the spot but here was nothing to see. Later he found out that others in that area had found that there was a place where the ground vegetation was all burnt in a round area some 7-8 meters in diameter.

Source: Mervi Virtanen, Finland


Between Tornio & Kemi, Lappland, Finland

Date: May 1964
Time: afternoon

A 50-year old religious woman was riding in the car driven by her husband when about half way to Kemi she observed a flying “man” on the right side of the car. The man was flying in a standing position with hands out in front some 200 meters from the road and 300-400 meters over the forest the same direction of the vehicle. He was flying a little slower than the car was driving (80-90 km per hour) so he was slowly left behind. The man was clad in a silvery or metallic suit and had a helmet. When she later saw astronauts on TV, she said that they were similar to what she saw. She observed the man for 2-4 minutes and could see him clearly but did not see any planes or other vehicles in the air. Her husband did not want to look at the flying man, though she insisted he did, and in fact never believed her story.

HC addendum
Source: Heikki Virtanen, Finland Type: E


The road between Karhula and Huruksela near Kotka

Date: Summer of 1955
Time: about 21.30 –2200

A young man was driving his first car, a Russian Moskvits, when in a straightaway in the middle of the forest he noticed how three creatures resembling bears or penguins run from the woods to the road some 100 meters away. When he drove closer the creatures started to gesture him to stop, which he almost did. The creatures at once run to his car and tried to open the doors, which luckily were closed. The young man was terrified when he saw their faces resembling those of the Chinese or Eskimos. Their hands were covered by the dark overalls they had. Scared, he gestured that he would drive to the side of the road a little bit farther out. When the creatures let go so that he could drive to the side of the road, he accelerated all the Moskvits was worth. The creatures seemed angry, gestured with their hands and ran some tens of meters after his car in a clumsy way. The driver came back quite soon with some other youngsters, but there was nothing to see. Later he found out that others in that area had found that there was a place where the ground vegetation was all burnt in a round area some 7-8 meterts in diameter.


On the road between Puolanka and Oulu

Date: August 1962
Time: daytime

Ilmari Karunto was a young man from Helsinki, having a vacation in Northern Finland together with a friend. On a warm sunny day they decided to drive from Puolanka to Oulu. When they had drived some 50 kilometers from Puolanka, Karunto, who sat beside the driver, noticed a short man on the road side. With his hands up he signaled the men to stop and asked for a lift to a forest path five kilometers away. Karunto moved to the back seat and they began to drive. In the back seat Karunto started to wonder the appearance of the lifting man. His head was larger than usual, mouth broad and thin and nose quite big. The eyes were black and round. And when he happened to watch his eyes from the side mirror of the car, he saw to his astonishment that the mans eyelids closed from down to up. The man seemed to notice his observation and put sunglasses on, and Karunto now saw that he had six thin brown fingers. Karunto was now not a little upset and asked where in Finland the man was living. This question seemed to make him thoughtfull, but then Karunto heard like in his brain that he was not from Finland, but travelled around the world. Almost at once after this the path came to sight and the man stepped out, thanked once again politely and began to walk along the path. Karunto suggested to his friend that they would follow his walking a moment. After the man had walked some 50 meters he came to a pile of brushwood some 3 meters high – and jumped on top of it and ”walked”over it. ”Look, he can levitate”, said Karunto to his friend, but spoke yet nothing of his observations during the car trip. Both men were upset and decided to continue their journey. But after a while they heard humming noise, which became louder. Suddenly the motor started to cough, then stopped altogether. When they stepped outside, they saw a large round object, perhaps 6 meters in diameter, fly low over their car, make a wide turn and then disappear from sight. When they had recovered from the shock of this sighting, they tried to start their car again and it started without problem. Next day they saw in a local paper a small notice of a light phenomenon that had flown northwards.


Road to Timovaara

Date: 27.12.1973
Time: 03.00

Olavi Kolehmainen from Polvijärvi was plowing the Timovaara road from snow. When he came to the Lipasvaara road crossing at little over three o´clock in the morning, he noticed a strange steelgrey object about four meters broad, which was standing on the Timovaara road. The object was not emitting light. Kolehmainen stopped his truck at a distance of 40 to 50 meters and looked around to get some hint what it was. After about a minute a little hatch opened on the side of the object and against the bright light inside the object Kolehmainen could see at least two white clad, human like figures who were looking out.

He realised this was no ordinary vehicle, and began to fear he would be abducted, so he closed the car door and waited on the cabin step with a knife in his hand.( As the Timovaara road is very narrow he could not turn his truck round and escape.) Howewer, after some ten or fifteen seconds mutual staring the hatch was closed and wining or buzzing sound could be heard. The sound became louder and some kind of smoke came from the object, after which it started to rise. The ascend continued and it vanished to the north. Kolehmainen listened its distancing sound a minute and stepped then down and went to the place where the object had been. Three landing marks could be seen on the snow.


Saukkoaava road around border of Pelkosenniemi and Kemijärvi.

Date: Beginning of January 1976
Time: about 15.00

A travelling salesman was driving his car on the Saukkoaava road towards Vuostimo on one of the first days of January. At about 15.00 he was near the border of Kemijärvi and Pelkosenniemi, near the farm of Niskala, when a large disc-shaped bright object descended gently towards the ground, flying over his car. The motor of his car ceased running and he had no choice but to stop his car. The bright object landed on the road some 100 meters away, and the salesman estimated it to be four meters in diameter and one and a half high. It was shining brightly. In a moment to small human-like creatures appeared beside the object. In the darkness (up north it is dark already at that time) their strangelooking suits seemed to be dark green, and they were only about 80 cm:s high. The two humanoids started to walk towards the car, but when they were about 40 meters off, they suddenly turned around and hurried back to the object. The salesman did not notice how they got in, but the object ascended almost at once straight up and vanished behind the thin clouds without a sound. When the object had disappeared, the salesman tried to start his car, and it started running at once. He drove to the place where the object had been, and there was three landing marks, five cm:s wide and two and a half meters apart.


Liipantönkkä in Ylistaro

Date: 02.10.1980
Time: about 23.25

a 23-year old man was driving from Vaasa towards Lapua on road number 64 to have a late night meal in a grill bar. When he was in Ylistaro near the border of Lapua on a small hill the surroundings were lit by a bright light from the sky and a shining grey disc-shaped solid object appeared 5-10 meters in front of his car. The man cant remember if he himself stopped the car. The contours of the object were clear, and it somehow glowed the light, like it would have been hot. The object was as broad as the road, about 6 meters, and it had two lights, one on each end, but no other details were visible. It hovered about half a meter over the road surface, when two small lights were lit in the middle of it and three humanoids came out. The driver described them as quite humanlike, but smaller. He did not see any ears or hair, but the eyes were very small, quite unlike the ones he had seen in the TV and magazines. The humanoids came to the laft door of his car – and that is all he can recall. The next thing he remembers is driving to the parking place of the grill bar he was heading, but it was already closed as four hours had passed, hours he can't recall.


Vihteljärvi, Kankaanpää (near Tampere)

Date: 8.12.1993
Time: 18.15

A 45-year old house repair worker, had finished his daily work and was heading home to Nokia. Driving in his car on the country road near Vihteljärvi he first noticed that the surroundings became brightly illuminated. His first thought was that an airplane was descending and he tried to look up, but could not observe anything unusual. After a while bright lights were seen in his back mirror. On the next straight part of the road, the lights came very quickly towards him from the rear and stayed just behind his car. Then the lights put some distance to his car again, but on the next straight part of the road, again they raced towards his car in a second and passed it without a sound. The object behind the lights somewhat resembled a red car. The red colour was glowing and was in some way transparent too. In the ”car” there were 3 or more beautiful women eith completely white skin, aged 20-30. As the ”car” passed, they smiled and waved at the observer. Except for black eyes and mouth, they were completely white. Even the hair, which reached to the shoulders, was white.

After the ”car” had passed, it accelerated and vanished to the end of the straight part of the road (some 500 meters away/ 550 yards) in a second. After the observer had driven a couple of kilometers (~1.5 miles) he noticed the ”car” again. It had stopped in a downward slope after a curve. He began to brake cautiously, but then the object started to move towards the observer and a crash seemed inevitable, so he braked all he could. Yet the object closed fast and the observer was sure it would hit his car. Then, suddenly, when it was only about a meter from his car it stopped and vanished completely. Astonished, the observer got out of his car to see if there was some trace of the object, but there was none, not even warm air.


Evijarvi Finland

Date: Fall 1968
Time: 2300

Summary: While driving from Haapajarvi to Helsinki, Mr. Helge Lindroos picked up a hitchhiker at Evijarvi. During the course of driving, Lindroos felt “electric vibrations” through his body. The stranger then told him that he “came from space,” and was last on Mars and had landed on earth only a short time before. He said there were “thousands” of them on Earth but that they didn’t show themselves to all humans, since people “are still afraid of humanoids.” The man appeared completely normal, about 170-cm. Tall and weighing about 170 kilos. He urged Lindroos to relax, assuring the man that he meant no harm, that they were here to protect humanity “from destruction.” At some unspecified point the stranger asked Lindroos to stop and got out. Lindroos was about to remove the key and get out for something to eat when he saw the stranger had vanished; he could see in every direction for 50 meters, but the stranger was nowhere in sight, and the fastest sprinter in the world could not have covered the distance in so few seconds. For several weeks after this encounter, Lindroos felt the electric vibrations throughout his body.

Source: Ilkka Serra of Helsinki